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Comments from Previous Years

91% of the girls that attended in 2018 believed that this conference has influenced their interest in math & science!

From Students:

"you see all these women working successfully and you could think "that could be me one day." It was very inspiring."

"[EYH] showed me that with different ways of thinking you can accomplish anything."

"EYH has made me want to push myself more to excel in math and science so I can expand my horizons."

"I liked doing it instead of just reading about it."

"the workshops were a lot of fun…It really opened my eyes to what I could really do when I get older."

From Parents:

"I’m more excited about math and science now and I feel that it has fostered more interest for my daughter too. It has opened new doors."

"It’s a wonderful experience for these girls to see what opportunity is out there – more than even I knew about."

"[My daughter] has been to science programs before, but nothing that was so well run. The program did exactly what it was intended to do..... spur interest. Our child has always been curious...I am soooo happy to see the sparkle in her eyes, her energy, and excitement for science."

"I wish I had this in middle school!"

"I am a teacher, and these classes are great for these girls. They go in quiet and anxious, and come out excited about what they have seen. I never knew how much was out there for the kids to learn just how much math and science influence everything we do in our lives. It has helped me to promote the importance of math and science in my daughter's career choices."

""Math/science" was not a strong interest for me as a young student so when talking with my daughter about her future I realized I tended to think along the lines of my interests - not hers - which is science. This conference has really helped me to talk with her more easily - your parent folder packet is an excellent resource!"